The current debate on the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9) offers the opportunity to articulate a long-term vision for biomedical and health research, and to address current gaps in support of excellent science.

Life Science Investments in Europe
Event Location
Event Description
Roundtable discussion on "Life Science Investments in Europe"
26 September
As part of the European Biotech Week, we have the pleasure to invite you personally, together with nine other life science policy and investment leaders, to an exclusive roundtable discussion on "Life Science Investments in Europe" in which we hope to hear the position of your organisation on how the European investment climate can be improved.
The Roundtable will be co-organised by EURACTIV, and will take place on September 26 at 5 pm around Place Luxembourg area.
The other invited participants are from industry, academia, life science research institutes, venture capital, the European Commission, the European Parliament, as well as representative companies from Johnson & Johnson's biotech incubator, called JLABS.
The meeting will be introduced and moderated by Stefan Gijssels, health policy consultant and patient advocate, who will also present the key findings of a study commissioned by Johnson & Johnson on the comparative attractiveness for life science investments in European Member States. First Europe will be compared with other continents, and then comparisons between Member States will be presented.
All participants will be asked to present their position on what constitute the major challenges and opportunities for life science investments in the EU, after which an open discussion will take place. The high level results of this discussion will be the subject of a subsequent paper, reflecting the positions. It will only become public after all participants have given their approval.
We thank you in advance for your interest and we would be delighted if you could join our discussion on September 26.
To confirm your participation, please register at
25 September
We also like to welcome you for a reception on Tuesday, September 25 in our glass container in front of the European Parliament in which we showcase our company's European investment activities.
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