Recent Trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union
Event Type
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Event Description
Target group
This annual conference is addressed to legal professionals within the public and private sector, officials of the EU institutions and agencies, national civil servants and persons working on European Union law issues, judicial professionals, law enforcement officers, academics, and others who are active or interested in EU legal issues in general, and in the main rulings delivered by the European Courts in particular.
Description and objectives
This annual conference reviews and comments a selected number of judicial decisions issued by the jurisdictions of the Court of justice of the European Union during the twelve preceding months, and which are significant for offering an interpretation on certain EU legal instruments for the first time, or for giving novel new meaning to existing legal rules, adapting or reexamining past jurisprudence.
By analysing a selection of key rulings from different areas of EU law, the conference will attempt to identify the general trends as well as potential directions for the future evolution of the Court’s case-law and its impact on the legal development of the EU.
Learning methodology
The conference will be structured in series of presentations, each of them introducing and commenting key rulings of the Court. These presentations will be complemented with discussions and questions & answers periods, creating a participative environment and encouraging the active involvement of the participants.
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