60 Years after the signing of the Rome Treaty, Europe is not a pretty sight. The UK is leaving after a guest performance of 44 years; populism and Euroscepticism prevail in many Member States; the days of an ‘ever closer union’ seem to be numbered.
The Responsibility to Protect (R2P) Ten Years On: What Next?
Event Type
Event Location
Event Description
10 years since the Responsibility to Protect Outcome Document was unanimously adopted by world leaders at the 2005 World Summit, the international community today finds itself deadlocked whileSyria is torn asunder, violence in Ukraine flits in and out of the headlines, and a cohesive European strategy for a migration crisis of historic proportions is left wanting.
Liberal International and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe Group (ALDE Group) in the European Parliament invite members of the press to attend a special programme of meetings around the theme The Responsibility to Protect Ten Years On: What Next?
Hosted by Mr. Ilhan Kyuchyuk, Member of the European Parliament (Bulgaria) on behalf of the ethnic Turkish minority party MRF, world-leading experts on international law, politics, and human rights, will debate whether or what future R2P has. There will be an opportunity to put questions to panellists.
Dr. Irwin Cotler (Canada) –Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada (2003-06)
Mr. Anatoliy Grytsenko (Ukraine) – Minister of Defence of Ukraine (2005-07)
Mr. Khodr Habib (Lebanon) – Member of Parliament and regular contributor panel discussions on migration in Lebanon
Mr. Jonas Claes (USA) – United States Institute of Peace
Lord John Alderdice (UK) – Director of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict, University of Oxford
Ms. Angela Patnode (USA) - International Coalition for RtoP
See attached programme for full programme of participants
When: Thursday 10th December 2015
10:00-12:00 – Is R2P Dead? Syria, Ukraine and Beyond
14:00-16:00 – The Future of R2P: Beyond Transatlantic Cooperation
Where: European Parliament, Rue Wiertz 60, 1047 Bruxelles, Belgium
Building: Altiero Spinelli (ASP)
Room: 5G1
To attend:
Media are invited to attend the above panels and must confirm their participation by RSVP by contacting Liberal International’s Communication Officer, William Townsend - william@liberal-
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