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Strengthening the Performance of Your Organisation with the Renewed Common Assessment Framework: the CAF 2013


Tue, 06/18/2013 - 22:00 to Thu, 06/20/2013 - 22:00



Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


EU Priorities 2020
Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

The CAF Resource Centre at EIPA organises a seminar on “Strengthening the Performance of Your Organisation with the Renewed Common Assessment Framework: the CAF 2013. It will take place in Maastricht (NL) on 19-21 June 2013.

We invite top and middle managers, quality and change managers and experts in charge of performance development in the public sector to register for this hands-on seminar in Maastricht.

Performance management in public administration has a long ascendancy, and in all probability, a long road ahead. Nonetheless, performance management is not without its problems. Practitioners, management consultants as well as academics have sought solutions in response to the paradoxical and often problematic nature of performance management. New Public Management reforms worldwide have introduced a variety of performance measurement and management practices.  Recent evolutions have corrected some aspects of the NPM and broadened the scoop towards New Public Governance forms. This evolution from the traditional Weberian bureaucratic public organisation over the New Public Management towards the New Governance approach follows different rhythms in the different European countries and public organisations. But performance management has gradually become an integral part of all modern governance arrangements.

This three days seminar will focus on global organisational performance. Total Quality Management evolved towards overall organisational management including all aspects of the functioning of public administrations and the results they achieve. Performance is looked at in the two senses of the word: performance as the way we do things and performance as the results we achieve and the outputs and outcomes we deliver.


** Registrations are welcomed until  29 May 2013 or for as long as places are available**




For more information, please contact Ms Ann Stoffels, Programme Organiser (tel.: +31.43.3296317, e-mail: or visit our web site:



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