Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Success in EU Negotiations: The Key Skills for Shaping EU Decisions in Commission Committees and Council Bodies
Event Location
Event Description
What is this course about?
This three-day skills-oriented course aims to help participants to improve their abilities to influence processes of multilateral negotiation in EU settings, particularly in the European Commission and the Council. Specific skills are required to participate effectively in these processes and shape their outcome. The course highlights seven essential skills - methodological, strategic, ‘protocolaire’, rhetorical and behavioural – which are required to successfully represent positions and interests. The course transfers both the technical know-how and politically appropriate tools to exert influence as a delegate in EU multilateral and intercultural negotiation processes.
How will it help you?
The course is highly interactive, practical and individual. It combines scientifically established recommendations, empirical knowledge, a learning-by-doing approach using three simulations, and performance feedback. The role-plays place the participants in typical multilateral situations of deliberation, negotiation and bargaining. Participants can audit and improve their individual practice and abilities. Video recording is used to produce learning points and elaborate handy dos and don’ts in a targeted, practical and realistic manner. Participants will receive a special negotiation handbook; specifically designed methodologies to strategically gear up for negotiations; and tools to individually assess their strengths, personality and cultural preferences. Six months after the course, participants will have the opportunity to continue the indispensable individual self-auditing exercise through individual interviews and exchange sessions with the moderators. Participants will be invited to review their skills and assess their performance in the EU negotiations experienced after the programme.
Who will benefit most?
This course is directly relevant for all regional, national and EU officials who take part in the negotiations inherent to the decision-shaping and decision-taking processes of the EU. In particular, it will be beneficial for case handlers and coordinators based in national capitals, regions or authorities, as well as representatives in Council preparatory bodies and 'comitology’ committees, attaché(e)s from Permanent Representations, as well as officials from EU institutions and agencies. Good prior knowledge of EU decision-making is required to take full advantage of the training.
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