The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2013
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Event Description
When: Thursday, 11 July, 10.30 - 11.00
Where: European Parliament Brussels, Room ASP 5G2
Rebecca Harms MEP, President of the Greens/EFA group in the EP
Yannick Jadot MEP, Vice-Chair of the Committee on International Trade
Mycle Schneider, International Consultant on Energy and Nuclear Policy, Coordinator and Lead Author of the report
Ralf Fücks Co-Chair of the Heinrich Böll Foundation
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The Greens-EFA in the European Parliament will host the international release of the World Nuclear Industry Status Report, elaborated by a team of six experts from France, Japan and the UK under the direction of renowned nuclear expert Mycle Schneider. The Greens-EFA and the Heinrich-Böll Foundation US are co-sponsors of the project.
“The Report sets forth in painstaking detail the actual experience and achievements of nuclear energy around the world”, writes Peter Bradford, former Commissioner of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in his foreword to the 140-page reference document. In addition to the careful assessment of the global industry, this year’s report also contains chapters on nuclear economics and an overview of the status of the ongoing Fukushima crisis.
Key findings of the 2013 edition include:
- A record drop of nuclear electricity generation in the world in 2012.
- Rapid aging of nuclear power plants: almost half of the world fleet has operated for at least 30 years.
- In 2012, for the first time, China, Germany, India and Japan generated more power from renewables than from nuclear plants.
- Water management at the Fukushima site is critical, with an estimated 400,000 tons in precarious storage, containing many times more radioactivity than was released to the air in the weeks after 11 March 2011.
Ruth Reichstein
Press and Media Adviser to the Presidency of the Greens/EFA group
Phone: +32 2 284 34 40
Mobile: +32 472 70 29 96
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