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InnoGrid 2019 - Connecting Physics and Digits: Power Platforms on the Rise


Mon, 05/13/2019 to Tue, 05/14/2019





Event Location


Event Description

An ICT layer is emerging on top of physical grids, transforming the energy system into a cyber-physical system. How to ensure digitalisation delivers all its potential value to European citizens? And how to make sure it leads to the best possible TSO-DSO interaction?
Block your agenda on 13 and 14 May to kick-start the platform revolution with E.DSO, ENTSO-E and the TSO-DSO innovation community.
At InnoGrid 2019 you will hear from the industry’s CEOs on innovation strategies dos and don’ts, discover today’s rising power platforms and debate needed support from regulation, policy and financing. Interactive breakout sessions will get you acquainted with pilots and projects on active system management, sector coupling and storage, advanced grid resilience and innovations for the physical grid.
As at previous editions, a networking exhibition will showcase the works and results of R&D&I projects with a European scope.
Follow InnoGrid on Twitter #iGrid2019

Events of the week


APPLiA - Home Appliance Europe
Energy & Environment Policy Internship
Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
EU Director
AIJA - International Association of Young Lawyers
Communications Assistant
Membership Intern
European Citizen Action Service (ECAS)
Legal Experts (Germany and Poland)