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Navigating the Digital Future – Balancing Innovation, Ethics, and Security in the EU


Mon, 04/15/2024 - 12:30


European Parliament
Rue Wiertz 60



Event Location


Event Description

As the EU moves into the next legislative term, industry and policy makers face the shared challenge of boosting Europe’s industrial competitiveness. Fostering digital transformation and innovation within a secure, connected ecosystem, equipping the workforce with the right skills, and addressing international security threats will be paramount- as will be regulation, to support the latter. Now more than ever, dialogue between industry and policymakers is crucial to ensure the EU remains strong and competitive amidst global challenges.

Our panel is comprised of esteemed public sector and industry leaders. This includes Dragoș Tudorache, a Member of the European Parliament; Hans De Cuyper, CEO of AGEAS Group; Thibaut Kleiner, Director of Policy, Strategy & Outreach at DG CNECT European Commission; Sapthagiri Chapalapalli, Head of TCS Europe; Linda Griffin, Co-Founder of the European Tech Alliance and VP of Global Policy at Mozilla; and Annerie Vreugdenhil, Chief Commercial Officer of Personal & Business Banking at ABN AMRO Bank NV.

The panel will delve into what we can expect from the next EU mandate, how international developments will shape EU tech policy, and how the EU can lead in innovation and industrial competitiveness.

The event will be followed by a networking reception.

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Events of the week


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INTERNSHIP – Policy intern
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Gestionnaire financier pour les financements régionaux, nationaux et européens des projets de recherche
CARE International Brussels
EC Partnership Coordinator
Senior Officer, EU Advocacy
Senior Officer, Funding