of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.


Company Description

The Union of the Electricity Industry - eurelectric is the sector association which represents the common interests of the electricity industry at pan-European level, plus its affiliates and associates on several other continents.


Events from this company

An energy system transitioning to net zero requires more flexibility. Electric vehicles can be a great source of flexibility for Europe’s energy system but their potential remains largely untapped today.

The European electricity industry will unveil its annual data report, Power Barometer 2024, on 3 October at Sparks, Brussels.

On 13 June from 09.30 to 12.30, Eurelectric will open its office doors in Brussels (Gare Centrale) to unveil 

The energy transition is one of the biggest challenges - and opportunities - that Europe faces this decade.

CEOs, Ministers and high-level EU policy makers are all lined up to shed light on how to accelerate the uptake of clean electricity. Together with innovators, thought leaders and investors, they will show us the Electric Decade.

Join us on 14 January for the launch of this one of a kind study on investment needs in distribution grids – a joint undertaking by Eurelectric and EDSO (for smart grids)

By 2050, the EU electricity mix will be dominated by variable RES (wind, solar).

Digitalisation is set to empower the electricity sector

Clean Energy for all Europeans: Paving the way for the next generation 

The Alliance for Electrification - Electricity for a Decarbonised Europe 

23 June 2017

Image result for Plug & Play: Charged for the Future


Events of the week


European University Institute (EUI)
Spanish for Academic Purposes Teacher
Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) Region I
INTERNSHIP – Policy intern
Hôpital Universitaire de Bruxelles (H.U.B) - Institut Jules Bordet
Gestionnaire financier pour les financements régionaux, nationaux et européens des projets de recherche
CARE International Brussels
EC Partnership Coordinator
Senior Officer, EU Advocacy
Senior Officer, Funding