Achieving the European Union’s 2050 climate goals requires a collective effort from individuals, policymakers, industries, civil society organisations, and researchers. While systemic change is critical, empowering individuals to make sustainable lifestyle choices is equally essential.

ANNUAL EVENT The Green Economy in the current economic situation: “How does it influence consumers’ and retailers’ behaviours?”
Event Type
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Event Location
Event Description
Moderator: Sonja van Renssen, Journalist on EU-affairs
Registration (14:00 – 14:30)
Opening statements (14:30 – 14:50)
- Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission
- Dame Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Executive Director (Corporate and Legal Affairs) of Tesco Plc, President, EuroCommerce
- Dick Boer, CEO, Royal Ahold & President, ERRT
- Steve Howard, Sustainability Manager and member of the Executive Board of IKEA
Discussion (14:50 – 15:05)
Presentation of the voluntary initiative on waste (15:05 – 15:15)
- Marion Sollbach, Head of Sustainability Unit, Galeria Kaufhof
1st panel discussion: make waste a resource (15:15 – 16:00)
- Anna-Maria Corazza Bildt, Member of the European Parliament
- Alan Seatter, Deputy Director General, DG Environment
- Adela Torres, Environment Department, Mercadona
- Rob Buurman, Public Affairs Counsellor, CRIOC
2nd panel discussion: environmental footprint – a boost for the green single market? (16:00 – 16:45)
- Michael Kuhndt, Head of CSCP – Centre for sustainable consumption and production
- Alan Seatter, Deputy Director General, DG Environment
- Mieke Vercaeren, Public Affairs Adviser, Colruyt
- Franz Speer, Corporate Director International sales unit, Henkel
Visits of the stands of REAP (Retailers Environmental Action Programme) members (16:45 – 18:00)
- Guided tour by Soledad Blanco (DG ENVI) and Marion Sollbach (Galeria Kaufhof) of retailers’ achievements in REAP (16:45 – 17:00)
Reception (18:00 – 19:30)
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