ANNUAL EVENT The Green Economy in the current economic situation: “How does it influence consumers’ and retailers’ behaviours?”
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Event Description
Moderator: Sonja van Renssen, Journalist on EU-affairs
Registration (14:00 – 14:30)
Opening statements (14:30 – 14:50)
- Janez Potočnik, Commissioner for Environment, European Commission
- Dame Lucy Neville-Rolfe, Executive Director (Corporate and Legal Affairs) of Tesco Plc, President, EuroCommerce
- Dick Boer, CEO, Royal Ahold & President, ERRT
- Steve Howard, Sustainability Manager and member of the Executive Board of IKEA
Discussion (14:50 – 15:05)
Presentation of the voluntary initiative on waste (15:05 – 15:15)
- Marion Sollbach, Head of Sustainability Unit, Galeria Kaufhof
1st panel discussion: make waste a resource (15:15 – 16:00)
- Anna-Maria Corazza Bildt, Member of the European Parliament
- Alan Seatter, Deputy Director General, DG Environment
- Adela Torres, Environment Department, Mercadona
- Rob Buurman, Public Affairs Counsellor, CRIOC
2nd panel discussion: environmental footprint – a boost for the green single market? (16:00 – 16:45)
- Michael Kuhndt, Head of CSCP – Centre for sustainable consumption and production
- Alan Seatter, Deputy Director General, DG Environment
- Mieke Vercaeren, Public Affairs Adviser, Colruyt
- Franz Speer, Corporate Director International sales unit, Henkel
Visits of the stands of REAP (Retailers Environmental Action Programme) members (16:45 – 18:00)
- Guided tour by Soledad Blanco (DG ENVI) and Marion Sollbach (Galeria Kaufhof) of retailers’ achievements in REAP (16:45 – 17:00)
Reception (18:00 – 19:30)
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