The German and Dutch industrial sectors are facing major challenges to decarbonise operations. These sectors are a major source of employment in both countries with significant carbon emissions contributions.

The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue 2017
Event Type
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Event Location
Event Description
What is the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue?
Every spring the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue brings together key international decision makers in foreign energy and energy policy, industry, science and civil society as well as foremost energy experts from all over the world. They discuss the latest energy developments, innovative political instruments, new investment opportunities and future business propositions deriving from the ongoing transformation of the global energy sector. The conference will be hosted by the German Federal Government in cooperation with the Renewable Energy Federation (BEE), the Solar Association (BSW), the German Energy Agency (dena), and eclareon.
In addition to the two-day conference programme, participants will be able to personally experience the Energiewende by joining the official side events and study tours on offer throughout the entire week of 20 – 24 March 2017.
What topics will be discussed?
Last year, global investments in renewable energy sources exceeded investments in all fossil and nuclear technologies combined. Many countries have significantly increased their energy efficiency and started to digitize their energy sector. This marks the start of a fundamental structural change towards an affordable, secure and ecologically friendly energy system based on innovation. To reach the targets of the Paris Agreement and the UN sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030, a boost of coordination on energy issues, enhanced energy foreign policy and international cooperation as well as mutual learning is required.
This year’s conference will focus on
·How to successfully align the energy system with the targets of the Paris Climate Agreement and the UN development goals of Agenda 2030 in a cost efficient way.
·How to set the right framework to trigger the necessary investments into energy efficiency and renewable energy in due time.
Who is participating in the conference?
The Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue has proven to be an ideal platform for an international public and private audience to come together to discuss viable concepts for the ongoing transformation of the energy sector – the Energiewende. More than 1,000 high-level participants from over 70 countries and more than 50 official state delegations with over 30 energy and foreign affairs ministers will take the opportunity to connect and develop solutions for the “Global Energiewende”.
The event provides plenty of networking opportunities, not least through B2B and B2G dialogues and an evening reception. Thanks to innovative communication tools and social media connection, the discussion will be livelier than ever.
Join the dialogue! We are looking forward to your valuable input.
Registration here:
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