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CAF and Justice: Quality development in the field of Justice


Wed, 09/19/2012 - 22:00 to Thu, 09/20/2012 - 22:00

Event Type

M - Seminar, presentation


Justice & Home Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

The entire public sector is in need of reform and modernisation, which can also be seen from the use of new jargon such as “citizen and user orientation”, “efficiency and effectiveness”, “transparency”, “quality care”, “benchmarking”, “result orientation” and “accountability”. The judiciary as well as judicial authorities also need to update their management and policies.
The key question in this respect is: How can the basic requirements of a legal system, such as equal justice and the independence and autonomy of the courts in administering justice, be combined with effectiveness, efficiency and quality? Can quality models such as the EFQM and CAF be used in this context or does the specific nature of justice demand a special approach?
At the seminar, management reforms in the field of justice in Europe will be presented by practitioners and academics and addressed in more depth in workshops.

Events of the week


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