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Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) of EU-Financed Projects: Advanced Course


Thu, 10/26/2017 to Fri, 10/27/2017


Global Europe

Event Location


Event Description

What is this course about? 
The goal of this intensive two-day seminar – the follow up to the ‘CBA Why and How’ – is to explain in a very detailed and practical way how to successfully perform each element of CBA (financial, economic, sensitivity and risk analysis) of projects eligible under EU Funds in different sectors, with special focus on typical benefits and the techniques used most frequently to evaluate them in the programming period 2014-2020. 

There will be practical workshops allowing participants to practice in small groups how to review the quality of CBA, how to report their results, how to adjust the project to improve the quality of the CBA and make it desirable for the EU co-financing.

How will it help you?
By the end of the seminar, you will have improved your practical knowledge on how to perform financial, economic, sensitivity and risk analysis of projects, as well as learning how to efficiently review the quality of CBA in different sectors and how to report their results. You will work in small group on the case study of your interest in order to use the acquired knowledge at work, with direct involvement of CBA experts from EU Commission and JASPERS. 

Who will benefit most?
Participants of previous editions of CBA seminars wishing to broaden and improve their practical knowledge on CBA, practitioners responsible for the preparation of the CBA or review of its quality and reporting its result.

In case you register for the two consecutive seminars on CBA Why and How and CBA Advanced, you will be offered areduction of €200 on the total regular fee.


The detailed programme of this seminar will be available soon.

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