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PES preparation meeting before European summit


28 Jun 2018 12:00


Albert Hall
Avenue Eudore Pirmez 9
1040  Brussels


Science & Policymaking

Event Location


Event Description

The Party of European Socialists will hold a preparatory meeting of progressive heads of government in Brussels on Thursday 28 June to discuss common positions in advance of the EU summit later that day.

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Albert Hall, Avenue E Pirmez 9, 1040 Bruxelles. View map


12:15 Arrival of participants
12:25 Family photo
12:30 Start of the meeting


The list below is correct as of 16:30 on Wednesday 27 June. 
Sergei Stanishev, president of PES
António Costa, prime minister of Portugal
Stefan Löfven, prime minister of Sweden
Joseph Muscat, prime minister of Malta
Peter Pellegrini, prime minister of Slovakia
Edi Rama, prime minister of Albania
Pedro Sánchez, prime minister of Spain
Zoran Zaev, prime minister of FYR Macedonia
Alexis Tsipras (observer), prime minister of Greece
Udo Bullman MEP, president of the S&D group
Federica Mogherini, EU high representative for foreign & security policy
Frans Timmermans, first vice-president of the European Commission
Pierre Moscovici, European Commisisoner
Maroš Šefčovič, European Commissioner
Karl-Heinz Lambertz, president of the European Committee of the Regions
Olivier Faure, leader of PS France
Maurizio Martina, acting general secretary of PD Italy
Elio di Rupo, leader of PS Belgium
Radmila Šekerinska, minister of defence, FYR Macedonia

Special notes

Access to the venue is restricted for security reasons. Media registration is required. All journalists will be required to show press credentials on arrival.



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