WORKING WOMEN: precariousness & unemployment
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Event Description
THE EUROPEAN UNITED LEFT/NORDIC GREEN LEFT (GUE/NGL) IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT HIGHLIGHTS THE WAYS IN WHICH THE CRISIS AND AUSTERITY MEASURES ARE AFFECTING WOMEN'S RIGHTS. Testimonies of women from across Europe. The Trade Unions: working to end women’s precariousness. What we really need? Hear proposals from women’s organisations.
09.00 – 09.20 Opening
Gabi Zimmer, GUE/NGL President
Mikael Gustafsson, GUE/NGL, Chair of the Committee on women's rights and gender equality
Session 1 Women and precariousness - Testimonies
9.20-10.40 Moderator: Cornelia Ernst, MEP, Die Linke (Germany, GUE/NGL)
Testimonies of women from Cyprus, France, Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, ...
10.40 – 11.00 Open discussion
11.00 - 11.10 Coffee break
Session 2 Proposals to end Precariousness
11.10-12.00 Moderator: Kartika Liotard, MEP (Netherlands, GUE/NGL)
Anabela Laranjeira, CGTP- IN Women's section, Portugal (tbc)
Mary Collins, European Women's Lobby
Soizic Dubot , Vie Feminine, Belgium
Bert De Belder, Workers Party Belgium (PTB), Belgium (tbc)
12.00 – 12.20 Open discussion
12.20 – 12.30 Concluding remarks
Inês Zuber, MEP, PCP (Portugal, GUE/NGL)
Press contact: Gianfranco Battistini:
BJORK Malin:
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