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Event Description
Renovating the existing EU building stock is a real economic opportunity for Europe. It is a revenue-generating
activity which contributes to urban renewal, strengthens social cohesion, boosts economic growth by creating
local non exportable jobs (up to 19 jobs created for every €1 million invested¹), and leads to high public
revenues (up to €5 additional budget revenue for every €1 of public funds invested²).
Renovate Europe Day 2012 will explore these wide-ranging benefits that investing in the energy efficient
renovation of the building stock can offer, drawing from practical experiences at the local, regional and national
level, and emphasing the links with the EU Cohesion Policy and Growth Agenda.
Renovate Europe is a major EU-level campaign. Its headline objective is to reduce the energy demand of
Europe’s building stock by 80% by 2050 as compared to 2005 levels. www.renovate-europe.eu
8.30 Registration and Coffee
9.00 Welcome and Presentation of the Renovate Europe Campaign
Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe Campaign Director
Energy Efficiency, Regional Policy and Growth
EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger, Energy - Video Address
Taking up the Renovation Challenge at the National Level
Ivan Vrdoljak, Croatian Minister for Construction and Spatial Planning
The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) – Addressing the existing building stock with a new ambition
guiding political and investment choices
Dr. Peter Liese, Member of the European Parliament (EPP-DE), Rapporteur for the Opinion of
the ENVI Committee on the EED (tbc)
9.40 SESSION I: Energy Efficient Renovation – A Stimulus for Growth
Moderator: Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe Campaign Director
Presentation of Renovate Europe Study on the Ancillary Economic Benefits of Energy Efficiency in
Buildings to National Budgets
Sigurd Naess-Schmidt, Partner, Copenhagen Economics
Renovation as a driver of sustainable growth: Local and Regional Experiences
- Adam Szolyak, European Commission, Official responsible for the Covenant of Mayors
- Dr. Eckart Würzner, Mayor of Heidelberg, Germany and President of Energy Cities
- Christiane Egger, Deputy Manager of O.O. Energiesparverband, Austria
10.50 Coffee Break – Showcase of the Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE) Online Tool, a
database on national buildings and their energy performance
11.20 SESSION II: Funding and Investment for Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Moderator: Adrian Joyce, Renovate Europe Campaign Director
Investment Opportunities for Energy Efficient Renovations arising from the Cohesion Policy, the
Energy Efficiency Directive and the Private Sector
- EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn, Regional Policy – Video Address
- Marie Donnelly, Director, DG Energy, European Commissions
- Adonis Constantinides, Minister Counselor for Regional Policy, Cypriot Presidency (tbc)
- Tatiana Bosteels, Hermes Real Estate, Chair of IIGCC property working group
- Representative from Private Bank
12.20 Conclusions
Owen Lewis, Former CEO of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and Emeritus
Professor of UCD Dublin
12.30 End of Conference, Lunch for Participants
Please note that this conference shall be photographed and that photographs may be used in future communications
material associated with this event.
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