“The power of skills” in EU external relations
Event Location
Event Description
Wednesday, 20 November 2019 18:00-22:00, TownHall Europe Square de Meeûs 5-6, Brussels
To mark its 25th anniversary, the European Training Foundation is hosting an event focusing on The Power of Skills in EU External Relations.
At the start of a new legislature and with new leadership in Brussels, it’s a good time to consider the role of education and skills in the next generation of EU external relations policies and programmes.
The event will gather influencers and decision makers in the field of education, employment, social affairs and development at European and international level. The “Power of Skills” will capitalise on the ETF’s experience in supporting over 45 countries in reforming their education and training systems to leverage external assistance to developing and transition countries in the European neighbourhood and beyond.
Key-note speakers are:
Ayla Göksel, Chief Executive Officer of the Turkish Non-Governmental Organisation, Özyegin Social Investments, will deliver the keynote speech about the power of education and training in economic and social development in Turkey and 14 other countries in which the organisation is active.
Cesare Onestini, Director, European Training Foundation will focus on how investing in education, training and skills can contribute to economic development and social cohesion and its implications for EU external relations policies.
A panel debate will follow with high-level representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament and the ETF partner countries focusing on the value of education and skills in social and economic development and future implications for the EU external relations policies and programmes.
Notes to press:
Press registration: If you’d like to attend the event, please reply to caroline.randle@thepr.
Interview opportunities: Cesare Onestini and Ayla Göksel will be available for interview.
For further information: https://www.etf.
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