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SPIRE projects on the utilisation of CO2 and CO


12 Nov 2018


Convent Garden


Climate & Environment

Event Description

Carbon4PUR stakeholder event (Register)
As part of the EU Raw Materials Week, Carbon4PUR is organizing a stakeholder event to bring together SPIRE projects, industrial, political and NGO stakeholders in the area of CO2 and CO utilisation. The goal is to create synergies between the project, create a closer cooperation and have a holistic view on the field of CO2 and CO as raw materials. The following SPIRE and EU funded projects will present their take on the subject and the advances in the projects:
Carbon4PUR - Turning industrial waste gases into valuable polyurethanes - European research collaboration between steel and chemical industry
FReSMe & MefCO2 - Methanol production from flue and residual steel gases
ICO2CHEM - From industrial CO2 streams to added value Fischer-Tropsch chemicals
RECO2DE & ENGICOIN - Recycling CO2 in the cement industry in production of added-value additives
EPOS - Enhanced energy and resource Efficiency and Performance in process industry Operations via onsite and cross-sectorial Symbiosis
Steelanol - Transforming carbon-rich industrial waste gases into advanced bio-ethanol
A panel discussion will allow for interaction between all projects and the stakeholders. 
A special focus of the event will be on geographical aspects of CO2 and CO as chemical feedstocks: where do we have CO2 and CO sources, where renewable energy and chemical transformation facilities? Do we need pipelines for the gases, is there space for the new utilisation plants? 
We will also discuss value chains and cooperations between the different actors. 
All participating projects are looking for feedback from the different stakeholders about their projects, depending on the progress of the project: Did the project consider all important aspects? Do you have suggestions for the implementation? Do you see problems? 
As a stakeholder, you will get a thorough understanding of the research going on in Europe to use carbon rich gases as ressources. You can also make your voice heard and influence these projects with your feedback. Lastly, this is a great opportunity for networking and to get into contact with researchers and companies working in the field of CO2 and CO utilisation. 
Participation is free, but you need to register by November 6th to get access to the building. 
Preliminary agenda draft 
Register now! 


Airlines for Europe (A4E)
Communications Officer
Representation of the European Region Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino in Brussels
Collaborator Common Secretariat
Events & Meeting intern
Positive Money Europe
Senior Policy Officer
St. Gallen Endowment for Prosperity through Trade
Digital Economy Policy Analyst
Project coordinator
European Institute of Peace
Climate & Environmental Peacemaking Analyst