The European Dimension of financing the German Energy Turnaround
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As a result of the Fukushima nuclear disaster Germany decided to phase out nuclear power by 2022. 8 out of 17 nuclear power stations have already been shut down permanently. Renewable energies will be expanded massively and will bear the brunt of future power generation. What are the consequences of the German “Energiewende”: – for prices of electricity and security of energy supply? – for Germany and its neighbouring countries for example France? – for business and industry? – for the energy suppliers and grids? – for international climate targets? – for the European energy strategy? What can and should science contribute to find solutions to these questions? How can independent science-based policy advice in the field of energy be organized?
Prof Dr Christoph M Schmidt, member of the German Council of Economic Experts, will present the acatech position paper “Towards a financially viable transition to sustainable energy – Efficient regulation for tomorrow’s energy system”. acatech’s key recommendations in the position paper are to embed the challenges of the German “Energiewende” in a European context: – to strengthen the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) as the leading system for promoting a low-carbon energy supply in Europe, – to improve and harmonize the energy policy framework at EU level, – to interlink national measures with the European Energy Roadmap 2050 and – to harmonize them with global climate protection goals.
The podium discussion with high-level representatives from science, business and politics will be open to questions and suggestions from the audience. Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy, will address in his keynote the EU perspective on the German ”Energiewende”.
We cordially invite you to join us and follow an exciting and promising event.
Prof Dr Reinhard F Hüttl President acatech Vice Chairman Euro-CASE Program Speakers Welcome address by the president of the KVAB Prof em Dr Ludo Gelders, KU Leuven Presentation of acatech position paper Prof Dr Christoph M Schmidt, RWI and member of the German Council of Economic Experts, member of acatech Podium Dr Christian Ehler, MEP, Member of the ITRE committee Dr-Ing Leonhard Birnbaum, Member of the Executive Board of RWE AG Prof Dr Ottmar Edenhofer, IPCC, Co-author acatech position Dr Harald Schwager, Member of the Board of Directors BASF SE Bernard Tardieu, Chairman of the Energy and climate change committee of the National French Academy of Technology - NATF Moderation: Hajo Friedrich, Journalist Keynote address by Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Energy Closing remarks by Prof Dr Reinhard F Hüttl, acatech President – National Academy of Science and Engineering Reception
Please register via Email, subject: “Energy Turnaround”
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