Transport and Energy Management Conference
Event Type
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Event Description
For whom: All interested stakeholders. The conference is designed in particular for companies and experts interested in new technologies, supply chain, logistics, transport best practices, evaluation and management process.
Background: Transport is responsible for over 30% of final energy consumption. Reduction of energy consumption and management of energy in transport are key societal challenges in relation to climate change and security of supply. Standardization provides tools to support the various stakeholders in managing those challenges.
The aim of the conference is to present some of the activities already carried out and to create an exchange of views with stakeholders (industry, European Commission, environmental NGOs) in order to identify possible needs for further standardization.
The conference will give an insight into two standards recently published:
- Energy Meters;
- and Methodology for Calculation of Energy Consumption.
Other draft standards under progress will also be presented.
In the afternoon, we will hold two optional parallel sessions in order to:
- gather feedback from interested parties on the draft European Standard on energy audits in transport being developed by CEN/CLC JWG 1 “Energy audits”;
- learn about the challenge of putting standards into practice in the area of intermodal transport.
Programme and registration:
- Read the Programme (pdf format)
- Download the registration form (word document)
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