of all European Affairs Events, conferences, presentations and workshops.

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First Call for Proposals Launched!

The first Clean Aviation Call for Proposals...

The Future is Electric and Light!

LEVA-EU, as the trade body for the Light Electric Vehicle sector, has commissioned a report from the renowned German research centre, DLR, which analyses the contribution that LEVs can...

Leadership, Culture and Change Management

About the event

Everything You Wanted to Know About the European Green Deal 2021–2027

Course description

Offshore Wind in Europe 2021: Trends and statistics

Offshore Wind in Europe 2021: Trends and statistics

When: 15 March, 15:00-16:00 CET

The European health workforce and the digital skills gap: What is the EU’s role in closing the divide?

The European health workforce and the digital skills gap

What is the EU’s role in closing the divide?

Borderless work: what will our future look like? S&D event - Thursday 10 March in Saarbrücken, Germany

Save the date! We are happy to announce that we are organising an event in Saarbrücken on 10 March, focusing on cross-border workers' rights. 

Wind energy in Europe: 2021 Statistics and the outlook for 2022-2026

Wind energy in Europe: 2021 Statistics and the outlook for 2022-2026

When: 8 March, 15:00-16:00 CET

Join PES Women and Rainbow Rose for a feminist rallying call for equality

On Monday 7 March at 19.00 CET – on the eve of International Women’s Day – S&D President Iratxe Garcia Perez, Mayor of Ovanåker (Sweden) 

MWC Barcelona Returns
