Extensive interviews and meetings

Fondation EurActiv
Company Description
EurActiv is the leading EU policy media present in 12 EU capitals, publishes free EU news and facilitates EU policy debates for policy professionals in 12 languages. With 2.3 million page views and 794.992 unique visitors per month, EurActiv is the leading online media on EU affairs. The media gathers approx. 100 people including franchise partners and has four main sources of income: Sponsorship, Communication Package Memberships, Advertising and Public contracts.
Fondation EurActiv is a is a public service foundation under Belgian law and brings together individuals and organisations seeking to shape European Union policies. It shares the mission ‘faciliter l’efficacité et la transparence de la Communauté des Acteurs Européens’ with EurActiv.com, the media. It does not lobby, except to promote online media independence, and is not aligned to any political faction or faith group. Useful links on the work of the Fondation and Founder of Fondation EurActiv: https://www.euractiv.com/sections/media4eu/?type_filter=interview / http://euroman.blogactiv.eu/ /