TEPPFA - The European Plastic Pipes and Fittings Association
Company Description
- Welcomes European plastic pipe system manufacturers whose products comply with quality and sustainability standards.
- Supports and promotes strong National Associations who in turn strengthen TEPPFA.
- Takes leadership in the publics understanding of the benefits of plastic pipe systems.
- Promotes usage of all plastic pipe systems in the building, civils and utility sectors and defends its products when challenged by alternative materials.
- Takes initiatives and coordinates on environmental issues and studies to defend and promote plastic pipe applications.
- Collects and analysis eco and sustainability information on his products in comparison with other materials.
- Complies with the principles and agreements of the Voluntary Commitment as a responsible association within society.
To know more, please visit www.teppfa.eu.
Events from this company
04 Apr 2016 to 05 Apr 2016
Events of the week
The Left group in the European Parliament
New Direction
Bitkom e.V.
Europäische Bausparkassenvereinigung (EuBV)
EPIA SolarPower Europe AISBL
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies