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Aligning Corporate Governance and culture: What’s in it for the board?
Event Location
Event Description
“Aligning Corporate Governance and culture: What’s in it for the board?”
11 January 2017
12.00h-14.30h (preceded by a light lunch) , Press Club rue Froissart 95, 1000 Brussels
No company would deny the existence of the link between corporate governance and culture of the organisation, as unfortunately highlighted by recent examples of corporate dysfunctions. Some investors believe that the state of corporate culture manifest among those who are responsible for corporate leadership, and are increasingly eager to meet the board and senior management.
The challenge is that there is no single model of corporate culture or governance that works for all, there is “no one size fits all. The good news is, however, that corporate culture - and nurturing a healthy one - is a challenge to everyone, and evidences are building up with examples of culture facilitating better performance and building harmonious teams. Besides, corporate culture is not static: as organisations go through different stages, their culture will inevitably be impacted as well as its fit with the organisations’ goals. When the leadership of an organisation change, this will also impact what happens to the rest of the organisation – tone at the top is identified as one of the most decisive factor on corporate culture. This means that the board is in a strategically important position to start a positive culture change, by aligning it with the long term strategy of the organisation.
ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and ecoDa are delighted to invite you to a panel discussion aiming to share best practices and real life examples of how companies successfully achieved a culture change and how it works in reality.
RSVP by 22 December to Cécile Bonino ACCA’s Head of EU Affairs : cecile.bonino@accaglobal.com
11.45 Registration and light lunch
12.30 Welcome speech by Turid Elisabeth Solvang, Chair of ecoDa & Co-Founder of the Norwegian Institute of Directors
12.40 Key note speech Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, MEP
12.50 Panel discussion, moderated by Maija Laurila, Head of unit, Company Law, DG JUST, European Commission
- Case study family Business: Matthieu Leclercq, President, Decathlon
- Peter Montagnon, associate director, Institute of Business Ethics
- Will Oulton, Chairman, Eurosif
- Jo Iwasaki, Head of Corporate Governance, ACCA
14.10 Q&As
14.30 Concluding remarks by Maija Laurila, Head of unit, Company Law, DG JUST, European Commission
14.40 End
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