New Report: "EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Deregulation, Illicit Financials Flows & Money Laundering"
Austerity is killing in Portugal; the real face of the rescue programme
Thursday 11/10/12, 10:30 Room PHS 0 B01
In addition to the institutional issues, beyond the street demonstrations expressing discontent and resistance, in addition to the speeches, there is a reality in Portugal that remains ignored by European peoples.
We are currently over 1 million three hundred thousand unemployed from a population of 10 million.
Every day the number of people without access to health care and unable to purchase medicines is growing .
Every day the number of families without access to water is growing.
Every day a growing number of families have to relinquish their homes to the banks, while continuing to pay the loans.
At the same time, legislation has been changed to allow rents to be increased.
Freedom of information is compromised, either through the sale of public channels or by drastic cuts in funding.
Repression is increasing. The suicide rate is growing.This is a reality that needs to be known and publicised.
A Austeridade está a matar em Portugal, a face real do programa de resgate
Para além das questões institucionais, para além das manifestações de resistência e descontentamento, para além dos discursos, há uma realidade em Portugal que tem permanecido ignorada pelos povos europeus.
Somos neste momento mais de 1milhão e trezentos mil desempregados, numa população de 10 milhões.
Todos os dias cresce o número de pessoas sem acesso aos cuidados de saúde e sem capacidade para adquirir medicamentos.
Todos os dias cresce o número de famílias sem acesso à agua canalizada.
Todos os dias cresce o número de famílias que entrega as suas casas aos bancos, continuando contudo a dever as prestações dos empréstimos.
Ao mesmo tempo, altera-se a legislação para permitir o aumento do valor dos arrendamentos.
A liberdade de informação é posta em causa, quer através da alienação de canais públicos, quer pelos cortes drásticos no financiamento.
A repressão aumenta. A taxa de suicídio cresce. Esta é uma realidade que precisa de ser conhecida e divulgada.
GUE/NGL press contact: Gianfranco Battistini + 32 475 646628
New Report: "EU-Colombia Free Trade Agreement. Deregulation, Illicit Financials Flows & Money Laundering"
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Organized by MEP Dr. Theodoros Skylakakis
Success Stories Made in Greece
The Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung and the Centre for European Studies cordially invite you to a conference on The European Agenda under the Irish EU-Presidency with:
4 December 2012, 9.00-12.30
European Parliament, ASP 1G2
Press breakfast
EU banking union legislation to be voted in EP
When: Thursday, 29 November - 8.00 (a.m.)
Invitation to press conference
26th November 2012
European Parliament, Room ASP5G2, Rue Wiertz, 60, B - 1047 Brussels
Helga Trüpel, budgetary spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament will be present at the EU Summit today, 22 November, as from 20.00 and on Friday, 23 November as from 1o.30 am and be available for comments.
At this crucial time in the fight against climate change, the European Islands have a key role to play in developing sustainable energy action plans.
COLLOQUE : "Action for teens"
Adolescence en détresse: L'urgence d'une politique d'accueil en Europe
Save the Date
Springeneration: From Ideas to Action in the Middle East and North Africa
14 November 2012, 15:00 – 18:00
Progetto ABI Banche 2020 - Le banche italiane per la crescita e la coesione
Bruxelles, 13 Novembre 2012 ore 18.30
Parlamento Europeo, sala PHS 4b001
Apertura dei lavori:
Hunger strike in Turkey : MEP back from delegation in Turkey
MEP Marie-Christine Vergiat (delegation of elected representatives to Turkey from the 31st of October to the 7th of November)
The Pact of Islands is the political commitment of European Islands to developing Island Sustainable Energy Action Plans (ISEAPs) and identifying Bankable Projects with the aim of meeting or exceeding the EU sustainability targets for the year 2020.
Firenze 10+10 Alter Summit
17th of October 14.30-18.00
ASP 1G2 European Parliament Brussels
MEP Jiri Mastalka
MEP Vladimir Remek
With the participation of:
Fiscal Compact: GUE/NGL calls for review by ECJ
When: Wednesday, 26 September, 11.00
Where: 6Q2, Jozsef Antall building, European Parliament
When: Wednesday, 26 September, 10.00
With: Green MEP Carl Schlyter
Projection of the film
25 September 13.00-15.00
room P4B001 - European Parliament
A documentary on the socio-economic consequencies of privatisations
by Katerina Kitidi and Aris Chatzistefanou
Pre-film debate with:
Press Conference:
The Right to Self Determination - new governance models