Boosting the bio-based products market through standardization
Event Description
Scope: The biobased market is constantly evolving and biobased products are considered to be part of the solution in combatting climate change. Companies and research laboratories develop new materials and continue to experiment with its application. Biobased products vary in composition and the amount of bio based content (or biobased share). The European Commission mandated the development of several standards for the biobased industry to harmonize methodologies and technologies, in order to boost the bioeconomy. These standards have been developed by the CEN/TC 411 committee on 'Biobased products', a collaboration of various companies and (scientific) institutes in Europe.
This webinar will give you insights on the current biobased market and the standards available for biobased products. In the end, these standards support companies to create qualitative products with a sustainable character. Standards will be discussed with regard to determining biobased content, sustainability criteria and Life Cycle Assessment.
· Francois de Bie (Total Corbion PLA) - Chairman of CEN/TC 411 'Biobased products' and Chairman of European Bioplastics;
· Ylwa Alwarsdotter (SEKAB Biofuels & Chemicals AB) - Excecutive Vice President Business Development;
· André van Zomeren (TNO) - Senior scientist Biorefinery and project partner in the European Biomonitor project;
· Alessia Gaetani (CEN) - Project Manager at CEN and CENELEC;
Target audience: Bio-based product industry and business (i.e. companies, associations, fora etc.)
Register: https://cencenelec.zoom.us/
Contact: trainings@cencenelec.eu
Link: https://www.cencenelec.eu/
Contact: trainings@cencenelec.eu