Closing Loops – Recipe for a Truly Circular Economy
Tue, 03/06/2018
BluePoint Brussels
Boulevard Auguste Reyers, 80
B-1030 Brussels
Sustainable Dev.
Climate & Environment
Event Location
Event Description
9.00 Registration
9.30 Opening words
Mr. Michael SCHUY, President of EuRIC
From starter to dessert: what are the key ingredients of a circular economy
(Each session will be followed by a 10 minutes Q&A with the audience)
9.45 Session 1: Circular Economy Package
- Ms. Sarah NELEN, Head of Unit, Waste Management and Secondary Materials, DG Environment, European Commission
- Mr. Kilian ILIEV, First Secretary, Head of Section “Environment” Permanent Representation of Bulgaria to the EU (TBC)
- What it takes to close circular loops
- Completion of the negotiations on the revision of the waste legislation
- Implementation of the circular economy package and launch of the ‘Plastics Strategy’
10.45 – 11.00: Networking Coffee break
11.00 Session 2: Designing circular products
- Mr. Gwenole COZIGOU, Director, Industrial Transformation and Advanced Value Chains, DG GROW, European Commission
- Mr. Ward MOSMULLER, Director EU Affairs, DSM
- Speaker from SUEZ confirmed
- Framing eco-design for recycling
- Dealing with “unrecyclable” products
- Thinking recycling at design stage: the example of fully recyclable carpets & mattresses
12.00 Showcase session: Pricing externalities – Rewarding recycling
Mr. Manuel BURNAND, Director General, FEDEREC
12.30 – 14.00: Networking lunch
14.00 Session 3: Re-designing waste & chemical legislation to circular flows
- Mr. Enrique GARCIA-JOHN, Policy Officer - Chemicals, DG GROW, European Commission
- Mr. Keith FREEGARD, Director, Axion Polymers
- Ms. Anna-Maria KACZMAREK, Manager Chemicals Policy, EUROFER or
- Mr. Hans REGTUIT, Stainless Steel and Environment Manager, Team Stainless, EUROFER (TBC)
- Getting the right interface between waste, product & chemical legislation
- Acute issues for metals and plastics recyclers
15.00 Showcase session: Fast-track notification for WEEE – A new International Green Deal / NSSR
Mr. Chris SLIJKHUIS, E-waste Recycling / Public Affairs, Müller-Guttenbrunn Gruppe
15.20 – 15.45: Networking Coffee break
15.45 Session 4: End of life vehicle recycling – What comes next?
- Ms. Artemis HATZI-HULL, Policy Officer, Waste Management and Secondary Materials, DG Environment, European Commission (TBC)
- Mr. Thomas PAPAGEORGIOU, Chair of the European Shredder Group, Compliance Director at ANAMET Recycling, SEPAN
- Supporting the enforcement of the ELV Directive
- Latest challenges for ELV recyclers
16.30 Session 5: China’s new policy on waste imports – Opportunities & Challenges
- Mr. Francisco PEREZ CANADO, Head of Unit, Market Access, Industry, Energy and Raw Materials, DG Trade, European Commission (TBC)
- Mr. Hans van de NES, President of ERPA Branch, Director for Business Development of Paper & Plastics Recycling at Sortiva
- How the EU addresses trade barriers
- Chinese ban on certain waste imports: first lessons drawn for recovered paper
17.15 Global Recycling Day– 18 March 2018 – An international Day for Recycling
Mr. Arnaud BRUNET, Director General, BIR
17.30 – 19.00: Networking cocktail
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