The Common Assessment Framework (CAF): the quality tool for national, regional and local public services
Event Description
About the event
Continuous self-evaluation process within public administration is a premise for efficient and high-quality public services. Managers, together with employees, can improve their organisation on the basis of Common Assessment Framework (CAF), a quality tool for good governance and excellence in the public sector, developed by EIPA together with EUPAN network.
In the context of the post-pandemic recovery, the CAF2020 supports public services at all levels of government to focus on digitalisation, agility, sustainability, innovation, collaboration and participation as well as diversity.
This workshops is an introductory workshop into the CAF model, which aims to explain the steps needed to implement CAF2020 in public administrations. All public administration officials, working in local, regional or national institutions are welcome to attend this workshop.
Based on experts’ presentations about CAF2020, participants will practice the steps to implement CAF2020. To facilitate debate, the workshop provides ample opportunity for participants to share their experience and expectations regarding quality management.
08.50 |
Registration of participants on zoom platform
9.00 |
Welcome and Introduction
Christoph Klika, EPSA project manager and expert on EU policy implementation, EIPA |
9.15 |
Total quality management in the public sector: concepts and trends
Gracia Vara Arribas, Head of CAF Resource Center, EIPA |
9.45 |
The Common Assessment Framework (CAF) 2020
Gracia Vara Arribas, Head of CAF Resource Center, EIPA |
10.15 |
Q&A |
10.30 |
Break |
10.45 |
Finding your way through the CAF
Gracia Vara Arribas, Head of CAF Resource Center, EIPA |
11.45 |
Break |
11.50 |
Plenary Feedback and Discussion
Gracia Vara Arribas, Head of CAF Resource Center, EIPA |
12.30 |
End of the Day |