Driving the EU’s Non-Communicable Disease Initiative: sharing best practices and empowering equal access to stroke prevention and care
Event Description
Following the success of the BMS-Pfizer Alliance’s 2020 and 2021 policy webcasts on stroke prevention, the Alliance is delighted to invite you to a third policy roundtable on how the European Union’s (EU) non-communicable disease (NCD) initiative can inspire better outcomes for stroke patients. The event, entitled ‘Driving the EU’s Non-Communicable Disease Initiative: sharing best practices and empowering equal access to stroke prevention and care’, will take place on Wednesday 12 October from 15.00 – 16.30 CEST. Invitees can join either via Zoom or in person at the Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels. The webcast will be available in English and will be translated into French and Spanish.
Interested participants may apply for registration at the following link.
The panel discussion will bring a range of health policy and stroke and CVD expertise to the table, facilitated by experienced health policy moderator, Mariam Zaidi:
• Arlene Wilkie, Director General, Stroke Alliance for Europe
• Dr. Valeria Caso, Former President, European Stroke Organisation
• Trudie Lobban (MBE), CEO and Founder, Atrial Fibrillation Association
• Sara Cerdas, Member of the European Parliament (S&D, PT)
• Tim-Morris Schmidt, Advisor for European Affairs to the Director-General for Health at the French Ministry for Health and Prevention
The EU has just published its first ever initiative focused on combating NCDs in Europe. Arriving as our healthcare systems face increased economic pressure, this action is incredibly timely. If harnessed completely, it has huge potential to drive policy action focused on disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care that will both improve the lives of patients across Europe and protect healthcare system sustainability.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), including stroke, are prioritised by the Initiative, having not previously been formally recognized and placed on the EU’s health policy agenda. This is welcome given beliefs that stroke is a health crisis still not addressed appropriately by policymakers. Despite being highly preventable, including through monitoring and screening, stroke remains a leading cause of death and disability in Europe. An estimated 1 in 4 people are likely to have a stroke during their lifetime, and it cost 32 European countries a total of €60 billion in 2017 alone[i].
Whilst this renewed focus is welcome, EU level action is only the beginning for Europe on stroke prevention. The coming months will require better, effective stakeholder participation to translate these good ideas into policies that are taken up by Member States, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. This is particularly important for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) related stroke, which will be addressed separately to the majority of stroke.
Bringing together key policymakers, researchers, and advocacy organizations, our goal is to advance the discussion on how the NCD Initiative can help empower Member States to take decisive action to ensure better pathways for stroke patients, whilst ensuring early prevention measures are scaled up.
Interested participants may apply for registration at the following link.
*This Webcast is sponsored by The Bristol Myers Squibb–Pfizer Alliance; the findings, views and opinions expressed are those of the participants. They do not reflect the findings, views and opinions of The Bristol Myers Squibb–Pfizer Alliance.