EGVIA workshop on EVs and their integration into the grid. State of play and challenges
Event Location
Event Description
Challenges and potential solutions for a large scale uptake of electro-mobility in Europe will be at the heart of the discussions during this workshop, especially focusing on the challenges of EVs integration into the grid in cities and peri-urban areas.
The overall programme will roll out as follow:
9.30 Opening
10.00 Electric Vehicles : challenges and opportunities for the grid
11.45 How to integrate electromobility in cities and peri-urban areas?
14.00 The automotive perspective: EGVI projects presentation
15.45 Panel discussion: how to solve the “chicken and egg” problem of the uptake of electromobility in Europe?
Registration is NOW OPEN. Please fill in the following registration form.
Participation is free but registration is mandatory*.
*Only confirmed participants can take part to the conference. Participants will be confirmed based on their active participation to the thematic fields covered by the conference
BluePoint Brussels
80 Bd. Auguste Reyers
1030 Brussels
Google Map
Lucie Beaumel
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