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ERA: European Immigration Law: Conference 2018


Thu, 05/03/2018 - 06:30 to Fri, 05/04/2018 - 11:00


Management Centre Europe
Rue de l'Aqueduc 118
1050 Ixelles  Brussels

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

NGOs / Think Tanks


Justice & Home Affairs

Event Location


Event Description


The aim of this conference is to provide legal practitioners with an update on recent developments in the EU legal migration system and the mechanisms put in place to tackle labour and skills shortages and to reinforce the attractiveness of the EU for key workers. It will give them with the opportunity to discuss current legal reforms with high-level experts in the field.

Key topics

  • Key novelties in the current EU legal migration package
  • Update on reform of the Blue Card system for highly qualified workers
  • Implementation of the new Intra-Corporate Transfers Directive
  • Family reunification: towards a consistent policy and practice across the EU
  • Equal treatment of third-country workers in EU law: long-term residents
  • EU priorities for the global migration compact
  • Tackling the lack of labour in the EU: the Seasonal Workers Directive
  • Employment and immigration law after Brexit

Who should attend?

In-house counsel, HR managers, lawyers working in the fields of immigration or asylum, EU and ministry officials.


Andrea de Bie, Senior Immigration Consultant, Fragomen Global LLP, Brussels

Marco Borraccetti, Assistant Professor, Universita di Bologna

Lieven Brouwers, Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels

Hélène Calers, Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels

Alexandra Sá Carvalho, Legal and Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels 

Laura Corrado, Head of Unit, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels

Guillaume Déderen, Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels

Silvio Grieco, Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission Brussels

Prof Kees Groenendijk, Member, Standing Committee of Experts on International Immigration, Refugee and Criminal Law (Meijers Committee), Emeritus Professor of Law, Radboud University Centre for Migration Law, Nijmegen

Fabian Lutz, Policy Officer, Legal Migration and Integration, DG Home, European Commission, Brussels

Marie Martin,  Migration & Asylum Programme Officer, EuroMed Rights

Claude Moraes MEP, Chair of the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, European Parliament, Brussels/Strasbourg

Séverine Picard, Legal advisor, ETUC, Brussels

Ornella Porchia, Legal advisor, Permanent Representation of Italy to the EU

Prof Jonathan Portes, King’s College London

Christine Sullivan, Attorney and Senior Manager, Fragomen  Global LLP, Brussels

Ágnes Töttős, JHA Counsellor for Asylum and Migration Affairs, Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union, Brussels


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