ERA: Vertical Restraints: Current Issues and Challenges


Thu, 06/13/2019 - 16:00





Event Description

Brussels, 13 June 2019, 14:00-17:45 CEST



10% discount until 13 May 2019





This workshop aims to examine the practical impact of the most recent investigations and cases of vertical restraints in Europe. Special attention will be paid to the latest
Commission decisions, case law of the CJEU and “online” vertical restraints.

Key topics

  • Update on ongoing investigations and on the review of the Vertical  Block Exemption Regulation
  • Implications of recent cases
  • Vertical restraints in the online world: economic and legal perspective


Please click here for further information on the WORKSHOP



Language: English

Organiser: Academy of European Law (ERA), Avgustina Dorich

Event number WORKSHOP: 219D39

Event number LIVE STREAM: 219SD39








Follow the workshop via live stream

If you cannot attend the workshop in Brussels, there is also the possibility to attend online!

This event will be streamed live on 
13 June 2019 - 14:00 - 17:45 CEST.

Participants have the possibility of addressing written questions to the panel.


Please click here for further information on the 






Anne Federle 
Partner, Bird & Bird, Brussels

Thomas Graf
Partner, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Brussels

Sir Philip Lowe
Partner, Oxera, Brussels

Marieke Scholz
Deputy Head of Unit, Antitrust Case Support & Policy (A1), DG Competition, European Commission, Brussels


Events of the week