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ERTRAC Annual Conference 2019 Road Transport Research towards “Horizon Europe”


Thu, 04/04/2019


L'Arsenal, 950 Chaussée de Wavre
1040  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

The conference will be dedicated to the preparation of the 9th Research Framework Programme "Horizon Europe": which place for Road Transport Research and which key research challenges?
Three new Roadmaps will be presented and distributed: on "Connected Automated Driving", on "Road Safety", and on "Long Distance Freight Transport". The event will include an exhibition showcasing some examples of innovation in the automotive and mobility sector. 
09:15-10:00 Welcome coffee and visit of exhibition
10:00 Introductory Session: which place for Road Transport Research in Horizon Europe?
10:45 The European Green Vehicles Initiative: 10 years of achievements and future perspectives
11:45 Europe on the way to Connected Automated Driving: presentation of new ERTRAC Roadmap 
12:45 Lunch break and visit of the exhibition
14:00 Road Safety: a research roadmap to support the Vision Zero
14:45 Long Distance Freight Transport: a new roadmap for a sector in transformation
15:30 Conclusions
16:00 End of conference
To register, please complete the registration form. Participation is free but registration is mandatory and is limited to stakeholders belonging to the networks of ERTRAC and EGVIA*.
*Registration is not automatically accepted: only confirmed participants can take part to the event. Participants will be confirmed based on their involvement in the thematic fields covered by the conference.


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