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The EU Data Governance Framework in The Making: Taking Stock of The Ongoing Initiatives


27 Sep 2021 to 28 Sep 2021




EU Priorities 2020

Event Description

In February 2020, the Commission issued the communication ‘A European Strategy for Data’. The communication revealed the Commission’s intention to realise a single European data space, described as ‘a genuine single market for data, open to data from across the world’. According to the Commission, a number of conditions need to be fulfilled for a European data space to be established: personal and non-personal data must freely flow within the EU; compliance with EU law must be guaranteed; the conditions for access to and reuse of data must be clear; and an appropriate data governance mechanism must be in place.

The course will address where we stand in the implementation of the data strategy. Notably, it will focus on the areas where the Commission has been active the most, i.e. the establishment of a data governance framework and the building of sectoral data spaces.

In this online course, participants will learn about the implications of the European strategy for data for the EU and for their own organisations. A wide variety of organisations could be affected by the ongoing initiatives. These include undertakings, which could benefit from the large availability of high-quality data from the whole internal market, and public bodies, both when data holders and when tasked with policing compliance with the data governance rules (if and when implemented).

What will you learn?

Are you working in/for an undertaking whose activity or business development depends upon the availability of large quantities of high-quality data? Or in a public administration? Would you like to know about the implications of the European strategy for data for the EU and for your own organisation within it?

Thanks to this online course you will learn about:

  • The relevant EU law framework for data reuse/sharing/pooling;
  • The data contracts currently used in the market for granting reuse of/sharing/pooling data;
  • The ongoing initiatives to change the regulatory framework for data reuse/sharing/pooling, especially as regards the following three aspects of data governance: reuse of data held by the national public administrations, data intermediation and data altruism;
  • The status of the initiatives to set up sectoral data spaces in the areas of agriculture and manufacture.

Course methodology

The online course will be delivered by means of live streaming during two consecutive days via Zoom.

The webinar sessions will be conducted by experts providing a presentation on key topics. All sessions will be followed by Q&A periods allowing for the exchange of ideas, and discussion periods where participants will have the opportunity to share professional experiences.