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European Competition Law Tuesdays


Tue, 10/24/2023 - 08:00


Av. F.D. Roosvelt 39
Institute for European Studies (IEE - ULB)
1050  Brussels



Event Location


Event Description

For over 50 years the Centre for European Law has been organising seminars, known as the “Mardis du droit européen de la concurrence”, looking into the different aspects of EU competition law. They have been referred to as one of the most influential forums “in sharing our understanding and shaping our thinking in the field of competition” by former European Vice-President M. Vestager at the occasion of the opening of its 2022-23 edition.

Originally organised by Professor Michel Waelbroeck, they are now organised by Professors Jean-François Bellis et Denis Waelbroeck. They constitute a forum for discussion and feature renowned academics, practitioners from the European institutions, and the European Commission in particular, and practitioners from law firms specialising in this area of law.

This year’s seminars will be dedicated once again to the study of different important developments in the jurisprudence of European courts and the practice and policy of the Commission. On October 24, the opening speech will be given by Savvas Papasavvas, Vice-President of the General Court of the European Union.


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