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EU's Research and Innovation ecosystem: what's in it for SMEs?


07 Jun 2012 13:00


European Parliament

Event Type

L - Conference, forum


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

With the publication of Horizon 2020 the Commission has put forth its research and innovation (R&I) priorities for the coming years,  however it is still uncertain what will be in it for SMEs.  Finances directly earmarked for SMEs support activities have decreased compared to FP7 however new initiatives such as the SMEs dedicated instrument are being developed but it is not yet clear how it will work in practice. Understanding complementarity between measure under Horizon 2020 and those provided at regional and local level through the Structural Funds is also essential. The aim is to have a better understanding of the existing/planned initiatives so as to develop within both programmes a coherent ecosystem for R&I support to SMEs.
Draft programme
Registration at the ASP building – entrance place Luxembourg
15:00 – 15:30
15:00 – 15:05
Welcome by MEP Philippe Lamberts – Greens’ shadow on Horizon 2020
15:05 – 15:25                      
Removing barriers for EU SMEs to innovate
Mr Piet Serrure, Chairman Europe Unlimited
15:30 - 16:30                      
Session 1 – Support for R&I in SMEs:
Understanding the EU landscape of initiatives
Moderator: MEP Reinhard Bütikofer
10 min
Stefanie Kalff-Lena
Policy officer DG Research and Innovation, SME Unit
10 min
Reinhard Buescher,
HoU, DG Entreprise D.2  Support for industrial Innovation        
10 min
Katja Reppel,
HoU, DG Regio D.2. Thematic coord. Innovation
                                                30 minutes discussion                    
16:30 - 17:30                     
Session 2 - Experience of SME R&I support practitionners:
One-size fit all?
Moderator: MEP Nikos Chrysogelos
10 min
André Roos
Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs
Small Business Innovation Research programme - a precursor for the EU?
10 min
Petra Püchner ,
Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (Entreprise Europe Network)
Engaging  SMEs for R&I at local, EU and international level
10 min
Jacques Gautray
OSEO innovation
SMEs in the driver seat : experiences with innovation vouchers schemes and financial instruments
                                            30 minutes discussion                                   
17:30 - 18:30                     
Session 3 – Customising support to regional specificities:
Greens leaders session
Moderator: MEP Philippe Lamberts
15 min
Theresia Bauer
Minister for Science in Baden-Württemberg (DE)
15 min
Marie-Carmen Bex
Chief of Cabinet - Research Minister JM Nollet (Wallonia)
30 minutes discussion and final remarks

Events of the week


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