The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
The Future Media Lab. is an open platform for all media sectors that aids in the exchange and accumulation of information. We aim to build a bridge between the fast-paced innovations in the media sector and long-lasting legislative procedures.
This Future Media Lab. interactive conference will be run in cooperation with the European Commission’s “Futurium” project ( and its outcome will feed into the Futurium report to be published in early 2014 by the European Commission.
The event is presented by the Association of European Radios, AER, the European Business Press, EBP, and the European Magazine Media Association, EMMA. It is also made possible by the cooperation of the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria, as they are providing the conference venue and facilities.
The next Amazon Academy event in Brussels - Delivering innovation: from Prime Air to Europe's eCommerce future
In an era of digitalization, people are going to count even more. They interpret big data and exercise judgment.
Join us to discuss innovations in business and the impact of technology on professionals!
Press Freedom in a Digital World:
The value of Copyright
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