UEAPME and ACCA invite you to
Unleashing entrepreneurial potential in Europe
22 January 2013
UEAPME conference room , rue Jacques de Lalaing , 4, 1040 Brussels
“Jobs of tomorrow: what educationals skills do we need?”
Co-hosted by Martina Dlabajova, MEP and Momchil Nekov, MEP
7 June 2017
European Parliament, Brussels
In a fast-changing, always more digital, interconnected and knowledge-based global economy, it is vital for the EU’s competitiveness, its prosperity and its capacity to drive innovation, that the jobs of tomorrow are fit for purpose. To that end, educational skills can play an important role in shaping the workforce of tomorrow, making it able to adapt to future labour market needs and adjust to career changes.
However, European Commission figures show that 40% of European employers report that they cannot find people with the right skills to grow and innovate and 77% of Global CEOs are concerned that a shortage of key skills could impair their company’s growth (PwC 20th CEO Survey). In order to help address this mismatch, in June 2016, the European Commission adopted a new Skills Agenda for Europe, which aims to make sure that people develop the skills and competences necessary for the jobs of today and tomorrow. It calls on Member States and stakeholders to improve the quality of skills and their relevance for the labour market, with a focus on digital.
ACCA (The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) and PwC, in collaboration with our hosts Martina Dlabajova, MEP, and Momchil Nekov, MEP, European Parliament co-rapporteurs on the new skills agenda for Europe report, are delighted to invite you to discuss what has been achieved so far,and what the next steps might be.
Please reply by 22 May to cecile.bonino@accaglobal.com
Please note that due to strict security measures at the European Parliament, late registrations will not be accepted
If you do not have a permanent pass for the European Parliament, please indicate your
-Full name and first name
-Date of birth
-Passport or ID number
-expiry date of ID/passport
-Place of birth
-Residence ( full home address)
Draft agenda
11.30am Registration and sandwich lunch
12.30pm Welcome Speech, Martina Dlabajova, MEP & Momchil Nekov, MEP, co-rapporteurs on the new skills agenda for Europe report
12.45pm Panel discussion moderated by Maggie McGhee, Director Professional Insights, ACCA
Speakers to include
· Vasiliki Kokkori, Cabinet of Marianne Thyssen, Employment, Social Affairs, Skills and Labour Mobility Commissioner
· Jo Lopes, head of Technical Excellence, Jaguar LandRover
· Arnold de Boer, Advisor for Social Affairs, UEAPME
· Michael Kane, PwC Director, led work on the Sheffield City Skills Bank
· Caroline Jenner, CEO, JAEurope
14.00pm Q&As
14.25pm Concluding remarks, Martina Dlabajova , MEP
14.30pm End
UEAPME and ACCA invite you to
Unleashing entrepreneurial potential in Europe
22 January 2013
UEAPME conference room , rue Jacques de Lalaing , 4, 1040 Brussels
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council ("Ecofin") is composed of the Economics and Finance Ministers of the Member States, as well as Budget Ministers when budgetary issues are discussed. It meets once a month.
he Eurogroup, composed of the Member States whose currency is the euro, meets normally the day before the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting and deals with issues relating to the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Session Press Briefing
Tuesday 11/12/12 @14h30, EP Press Room
Participating MEPs
Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
Organized by MEP Dr. Theodoros Skylakakis
Success Stories Made in Greece
Press breakfast
EU banking union legislation to be voted in EP
When: Thursday, 29 November - 8.00 (a.m.)
Helga Trüpel, budgetary spokesperson of the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament will be present at the EU Summit today, 22 November, as from 20.00 and on Friday, 23 November as from 1o.30 am and be available for comments.
14 & 15 November | Brussels
14 & 15 November | Brussels
Progetto ABI Banche 2020 - Le banche italiane per la crescita e la coesione
Bruxelles, 13 Novembre 2012 ore 18.30
Parlamento Europeo, sala PHS 4b001
Apertura dei lavori:
Dans le cadre de la Semaine de l’Europe, Eyes on Europe vous invite à sa conférence de rentrée! Plans d'austérité, l'UE dans l'impasse?
Date :Friday 21st September 2012
Lunch 12.15 – 13.00
Presentation and Discussion 13:00 - 15:00
This conference is an initiative of the IFA (the Institute of Forensic Auditors) and organised by EBP.
For more details please click here.
Crisis Creates Opportunity: A Burson-Marsteller event on the new era of financial supervision in the EU - To register, please email: isabelle.merillet@bm.com , Burson-Marsteller - Brussels Press Club, Rue Fr
The Eurogroup is composed of the Eurogroup President, presently Jean-Claude Juncker, the Finance Minister of each Member State of the euro area, the Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, and the President of the European Central Bank.