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Leadership, Culture and Change Management


21 Mar 2022 08:30




Social Europe & Jobs

Event Description

About the event

Although the term ‘talent management’ requires a more clear-cut definition, in the context of EPSA workshops, it is based on a holistic understanding and includes all employees plus their competences. It is important to promote these from the beginning of a person’s professional career, to its end, and to use them for the benefit of the organisation. In this respect, talent management is not only focused on discovering and promoting talents for a management career. This aspect is currently in the spotlight, including in view of the expected retirement of many staff members. Succession planning is just as important as competence development and knowledge transfer: on-boarding and off-boarding should become integral parts of the HR cycle, with solid strategic HR planning being a major prerequisite.

Overall, in view of the shortage of skilled workers, new talent groups must be leveraged and recruitment processes redesigned. Administration must position itself as a competitive employer. For example, sustainable HR management, ecological awareness in the organization and corresponding measures, career opportunities at every phase of life, diversity management, participation and collaboration all offer incentives to attract and retain talent.

In times of permanent change and crisis public administration needs a solid strategic workforce planning (quantitative as well as qualitative) as the base for evidence- based strategies and policies. Therefore in this module we will be focusing on skills needed to develop and establish at least a short-term HR-planning systems. In the second part we will have a look on some good practices to develop a demography strategy, generation management and “Green HRM” to support ecological transition.

View the agenda below.

The programme

Thursday, 9 June 2022




Registration of participants on zoom platform



Welcome and Introduction


Christoph Klika, EPSA project manager and expert on EU policy implementation, EIPA


Leadership in times of permanent change


Erika Landi, Director, European Parliament, Directorate-General for Personnel, Directorate for HR Support and Social Services


Promoting Employee Engagement, Performance, change and culture


Daniel Gerson, Public Management and Budgeting Division, Public Governance Directorate, OECD




Resilient leaders: how to lead through times of change


Caroline Fischer, University of Twentje


Managing change – the new role of Green HRM (GRHM)


Beatrix Behrens, Seconded Expert HRM and Public Management. Head of Division Organizational Division, University of Applied Labor Studies




Managing Change, Culture and Leadership


Nils Fürstenberg and Frederik Hesse, University of St. Gallen


End of the Day




European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA)
Service Engineer
A.I.S.E. aisbl
Communications Intern
Policy Officer
Airlines for Europe
Policy Traineeship
BEUC- the European Consumer Organisation
Administrative Assistant
Clean Air Task Force
Consultant – Germany Affairs