Liberal Afterwork: EU's Due Diligence Policy
Event Location
Event Description
19:00 Registration
19.15 Welcome by Jules Maaten, Regional Director, European Dialogue Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
19.20 Impulses on Due Diligence and EU-Turkish Relations
19.30-21.00 Get-together
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About Liberal Afterwork
The aim of the Liberal Afterwork is to connect local chapters of European liberal parties with a presence in Brussels. It is organised by the Brussels office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF Europe).
The main objective is to share experiences on how political parties abroad can mobilise their members and voters in light of the rolling political agenda and current EU affairs. Furthermore, experts will be invited to provide the impetus for fruitful discussions between politicians and members of respective organisations.
In order to foster further informal dialogue and provide a regular networking opportunity, our goal is to establish a tradition of these events regularly. Further organisations are also warmly invited to join as the aim is to gather as wide as possible within our liberal network.
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