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SHERLOCK Final Event - Industrial applications of novel Human-Robot Collaboration paradigm


Fri, 10/28/2022 - 09:00 to 13:15


VDL Industrial Modules
Helmond, Netherlands
  Hybrid Event

Event Description

The EU-funded SHERLOCK project aspires to develop flexible, safe human-centred robotic applications for new collaborative workplaces. The project introduces novel robotics technologies -high and low payload collaborative robots, exoskeletons,mobile dual-arm robots- enhanced with smart mechatronics and AI-based cognition to augment human capabilities. The novel SHERLOCK shop floor ensures operators’ safety, acceptance, and well-being.

Join us on October 28 to learn about the novel human-robot collaborative technologies developed within SHERLOCK, driven by the requirements of the European Industry. We will be live from VDL Industrial Modules factory!

The workshop will show four integrated production stations, in four industrial demonstrators derived from the renewable energy, industrial modules assembly, machine building and aeronautics sectors. The workshop will conclude with key findings related to performance, phycological impact and acceptance of the solution, as an outcome of on-site evaluation activities.


9:00-9:10  Opening

9:10-9:30  SHERLOCK Project Key findings overview – Nikos Dimitropoulos (LMS)

9:30-9:45  Keynote speech: Digital production and Artificial Intelligence for sustainability – Dr. Sotiris Makris (LMS)

9:45-10:00  Keynote speech: Robotic co-workers – Dr. Urko Esnaola Campos (TECNALIA)

10:00-10:15  Keynote speech: Advancing safety and risk assessment for HRC in industry – Daniel Martin (PILZ)

10:15-10:30  Break

10.30-11.15  Industrial modules assembly using collaborative manipulators - Ernest Stoffels (VDL Industrial Modules)

11.15-11.45  Aeronautics structures production using mobile robots – SOFITEC - Dr. Urko Esnaola Campos (TECNALIA)

11.45-12.15  Exoskeleton assisted machine building – Angelo Rizzi (FIDIA)

12.15-12.45  Solar thermal collectors assembly using high payload collaborative arms – Nikos Dimitropoulos (LMS)

12.45-13.00  Psychological impact and operator’s acceptance – Dr. Iveta Eimontaite (Cranfield University)

13.00-13.15  Discussion

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