ERA: Summer Course on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in the EU
Event Description
This four-day course will provide a thorough introduction to human rights law and the rule of law in the European Union.
Key topics
- Protection of human rights in Europe
- The rule of law in the EU: Article 7 TEU procedure, conditionality of regional aid/structural funds
- Better lawmaking
- Transparency of the legislative process in the EU
- Right to information in the EU
- Independence and authority of the judiciary in Europe
- Access to a court and fair trial guarantees in European law
- External dimension of human rights in the EU: EU external actions, restrictive measures
Johan Callewaert, Deputy Grand Chamber Registrar, European Court of Human Rights, Strasbourg
Adam Cygan, Professor of EU Law, School of Law, University of Leicester, England
Waltraud Hakenberg, Professor of EU Law, Institute of European Law of the University of the Saar; former Registrar of the Civil Service Tribunal of the European Union, Luxembourg
Matthew Happold, Barrister, 3 Hare Court, London; Professor of Public International Law, University of Luxembourg
Adam Łazowski, Professor of EU Law, University of Westminster, London
Norbert Lorenz, Director for Parliamentary and Financial Affairs, Legal Service, European Parliament, Luxembourg
Constantinos Lycourgos, Judge, Court of Justice of the European Union, Luxembourg
Laurent Pech, Professor of European Law, Middlesex University London, Visiting Professor at Bordeaux University
Gabriel Toggenburg, Senior Legal Advisor, Director’s Office, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, Vienna
Dovydas Vitkauskas, Senior Expert on Judicial Reform, Venice Commission and Council of Europe, Vilnius
Edith Zeller, President of the Association of European Administrative Judges, Vienna
>> Further information and
online registration
Language: English
Visit to the CJEU in Luxembourg: Participants in this summer course will also have the opportunity to visit the Court of Justice of the EU in Luxembourg.
Organiser: ERA (Karolina Rokicka)
Event number: 418B17