ERA: Summer Course on European Antitrust Law
Event Description
- Language: English
- Event number: 218B09
- Area of law: Competition Law, Public Procurement & State Aid
- Level: Introductory
This course will provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the basics of EU antitrust law and a comprehensive update on the latest developments in each field.
Key topics
- Key concepts of competition policy and economics
- Methods for defining the relevant market
- Practical illustration of the rules applicable to vertical and horizontal agreements
- Cartels, information exchange, tacit collusion and oligopoly issues
- The abuse of a dominant market position
- Anticompetitive practices in the digital economy
- Public and private enforcement of antitrust rules
- Theory and practice of dawn raids
- The Commission’s leniency policy
Participants will be able to deepen their knowledge through case studies and workshops.
Visit of the Court of Justice
The maximum number of places for the visit to the CJEU in Luxembourg has been reached.
Who should attend?
Practitioners seeking a thorough overview of European antitrust law and its latest trends.
Overnight accommodation in Trier
There are special rates for ERA participants at three excellent hotels in Trier.
10 September 2018 - 14 September 2018 - Summer Course on European Public Procurement Law
8 December 2014 - 8 December 2014 - Workshops
8 November 2018 - 9 November 2018 - Annual Conference on European State Aid Law 2018