AEGIS Europe, an organisation
industriAll Europe
Company Description
IndustriAll European Trade Union represents 6.9 million working men and women across supply chains in manufacturing, mining and energy sectors across Europe. IndustriAll Europe aims to protect and advance the rights of these workers.
The federation of trade unions also aims to be a powerful player in the European policy arena vis-à-vis European companies, European industries, employers’ associations and EU institutions.
Trade unions affiliated to the European Metalworkers’ Federation (EMF), the European Mine, Chemical and Energy Workers’ Federation (EMCEF) and the European Trade Union Federation for Textiles, Clothing and Leather (ETUF:TCL) joined forces on 16 May 2012 to create the industriAll European Trade Union.
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Events from this company
Events of the week
- Belgium meets UNAIDS targets, political uncertainty threatens further progress [Advocacy Lab Content]
- Slovakia’s health minister facing potential no-confidence vote following turbulent summer [Advocacy Lab Content]
- Polish government approves Rare Diseases Plan for 2024-2025 [Advocacy Lab Content]
- New guideline for Swedish doctors criticised for putting patients at serious risk [Advocacy Lab Content]
- Despite holdups, von der Leyen expected to unveil Commission jobs Tuesday