Advanced Course on the Annulment Action: Challenging EU Acts Successfully Before the Court of Justice of the EU
Event Description
A sophisticated understanding of Court of Justice of the European Union’s (CJEU) procedures, practices and case law is quintessential to litigate successfully before the Court. During this online course you will learn the insights and practical skills related to one of the key procedures of the Court of Justice of the European Union: the action for annulment.
Enhance your knowledge on the actions of annulment to know what EU acts can be challenged before the Court of Justice of the European Union!
What will you learn?
This online course will focus on the annulment actions entertained before the Court of Justice of the European Union, the only procedure where natural and legal persons are parties before the CJEU and can directly challenge EU acts.
Thanks to this online course you will learn about:
- The standing rules applicable for private individuals to become parties of the proceeding. Due account will be taken of what EU acts can be challenged before the CJEU
- How to present legal arguments during the written and the oral phase of the proceedings. Through the detailed discussion of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court answers will be given to various procedural matters i.e. submissions, interim measures, appeals which may be relevant during the action
- How to prepare the written materials to be submitted to the CJEU and the how to plead orally during the hearing before the CJEU
- The procedure to appeal the decision rendered by the General Court before the Court of Justice.
Course methodology
The online course will be delivered by means of live streaming via ZOOM.
The online course sessions will be conducted by experts providing a presentation on key topics, illustrated with examples and cases from litigation practice. All sessions will be followed by Q&A periods allowing for the exchange of ideas and discussion periods where participants will have the possibility to share professional experiences.
Moreover, the online course will feature a virtual visit to the Court of Justice of the European Union and a talk by with one of the members of the General Court.