Does Competition Law Need an Update for Online Markets? - Hot Topics, Trends and Perspectives in Competition Policy
Event Location
Event Description
- Panel 1: Enforcing the Rules in Internet Markets - Challenges and Complexities
The panel will address the effectiveness of enforcement in Internet markets and the extent to which established competition law concepts work in multi-sided settings.
- Panel 2: The Future of E-Commerce - What Follows from the E-Commerce Sector Inquiry and Relevant Cases?
The panel will discuss the impact of the sector inquiry and whether competition enforcement can lead to a more inclusive e-commerce landscape.
- Panel 3: Neutrality, Equal Treatment and Fairness - New ‘Gold Standards’ under Article 102 TFEU?
The panel will discuss where to draw the proper line between product innovation and market foreclosure against the background of high profile investigations like Google Shopping.
- Panel 4: Current Hot Topics: Algorithms, Big Data and Privacy - Should these be Competition Concerns at all?
New, emerging debates come with new calls for a rethink of existing rules. The panel will discuss whether these calls are justified or not.
Who should participate?
- Private legal practitioners
- National Competition Authorities
- Representatives from public authorities dealing with competition law
- Representatives from national courts
- Industry representatives and in-house counsels dealing with competition law
- Economists
- Academics
- Pinar Akman
Professor of Law, Director of the Centre for Business Law and Practice, University of Leeds
- Georg M. Berrisch
Partner, Practice Group Chair - Antitrust & Competition Law, Baker Botts, Brussels
- Francisco Alves Da Costa-Cabral
Assistant Professor, Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University
- Yves Botteman
Partner, Steptoe & Johnson LLP, Brussels
- Adina Claici
Director, Copenhagen Economics, Brussels
- Miranda Cole
Partner, Covington & Burling, Brussels
- Maurits Dolmans
Partner, Cleary Gottlieb, Brussels
- Justus Haucap
Director of Duesseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)
- Thomas Höppner
Partner, Hausfeld, Berlin; Professor of Business Law, Technical University Wildau
- Pablo Ibáñez Colomo
Associate Professor of Law at the London School of Economics, London (invited)
- Pola Karolczyk
Associate, Antitrust/Competition, Sidley Austin, Brussels
- Robert Klotz
Antitrust & Competition Practice Group, Sheppard Mullin, Brussels
- Thomas Kramler
Head of Task Force Digital Single Market, DG Competition, European Commission, Brussels
- Alfonso Lamadrid de Pablo
Principal associate, Garrigues, Brussels
- Marianela López-Galdos
Director of Competition and Regulatory Policy, Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), Washington D.C.
- Björn Lundqvist
Professor of Law, Department of Law, Stockholm University, Stockholm
- Carel Maske
Senior Attorney with Microsoft, Brussels
- Agustín Reyna
Senior Legal Officer Digital, BEUC, Brussels
- Ben van Rompuy
Leiden University/Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB); Managing Editor CoRe
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