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The Essential GDPR Course for non-Data Protection Officers – October


25 Oct 2018 to 26 Oct 2018


EIPA - European Institute of Public Administration
Onze Lieve Vrouweplein 22
6211 HE  Maastricht


Public Affairs

Event Location


Event Description

Do you manage personal information of customers, clients, members of the public or employees, as a part of your job?

Have you heard of the GDPR, the new EU regulation on data protection, but are not sure what it really means, and think that it doesn’t affect you? That it’s only relevant for the legal and IT departments, and you can carry on your work as usual, including how you send emails?

You assume that only the Data Protection Officer (DPO) is responsible for ensuring data protection in the organisation, and you don’t have to worry about any legal consequences of how you process information?

You are very mistaken. 

If you work with any personal data, you have to follow strict procedures now about how you should process, share, and protect it. Not adhering to the GDPR, even unknowingly, may have serious adverse effects for you and your organisation.

In this seminar, you will understand the exact principles of this new regulation even if you have no prior knowledge about it, and know how to implement these principles in your work.

What you will learn in this course:

  • The key concepts of the EU legal framework for data protection that are relevant for you
  • How to protect the data you are responsible for and manage full control of it, without having to check each detail with your DPO
  • What is the difference between controlling and processing data, and the responsibilities that you have to manage depending on your role
  • How to report personal data breaches
  • The right way to manage cross-border data transfer

By the end of the course, you will be able to:

  • Apply all the specificities of the new regulation to your specific scope of work
  • Exchange data with your colleagues and other professionals through processes that conform to the GDPR
  • Send safe and secure emails both within the organisation and also to external parties
  • Use the data you manage in the correct way on social platforms, both online and offline
  • Design the data protection system for new or special projects that you may undertake
  • Reduce the risk of infringement procedures against you and your organisation

Who is this course for:

Overall, this course will benefit all those who work with data on a daily basis, but are not IT or legal experts, and do not have any prior knowledge of the GDPR.

This would include professionals in the European region, working in both the public and private sector.

Course methodology and highlights

  • Simple explanation of the GDPR in an easy-to-understand language, without the use of high-level legal terms and jargons
  • Role play and group exercises to help you get familiar with the practical application of the regulation
  • Interactive discussions with data protection experts, practitioners, and other participants, so you can ask specific questions about your particular experience or challenge

If you wish to develop a comprehensive understanding of GDPR, become an expert on it, and explore the possibility of becoming a Data Protection Officer, you can also sign up for our complete course in Data Protection.

Events of the week


Policy Officer
Swiss Finance Council - EU Representative Office
Policy Advisor - Financial Services – Focus on Sustainable Finance
IBS Consulting Srl
Junior Project Manager
FENS - Federation of European Neuroscience Societies
Office and Membership Manager