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The Euro: a European nightmare


06 Apr 2016 10:00 to 17:30


European Parliament
Room A1E2

Event Type

L - Conference, forum


Euro & Finance

Event Location


Event Description

AECR member Joachim Starbatty MEP co-organizes a cross-party conference on the disastrous economic state of the Eurozone next week in Brussels.

In terms of growth, the Eurozone – in permanent crisis since 2008 – has fallen behind all other mayor economic regions of the world. Starbatty, a well-known economics professor from Tübingen University, has dedicated much of his professional career to the common currency. He also contributed to “That Sinking Feeling“, a comprehensive analysis of the currency union’s many flaws published by the Brussels-based think-tank New Direction – The Foundation for European Reform.

The conference takes place in the European Parliament (room A1E2) on Wednesday, 6th April 2016 from 10 am to 5:30 pm. If you need access to the parliaments buildings, please register in advance by sending an email to

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