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European Gender Summit


Wed, 11/28/2012 - 23:00 to Thu, 11/29/2012 - 23:00


European Parliament

Event Type

L - Conference, forum

Organiser type

Federations / Associations


Innovation & Enterprise

Event Location


Event Description

The 2012 European Gender Summit will join the excellence and equality agendas in science, as a strategic approach for enhancing full realization of the research and innovation potential in Europe.
The timing of the 2012 EGS is important because right now policy makers at EU and national levels are deciding on the future of the European research and innovation landscape, and on the implementation details of the key initiatives, namely HORIZON 2020, European Research Area, and Innovation Union
By participating in and contributing to the Gender Summit you will: 
  • Through your knowledge as a scientist, decision maker, educator, policy maker, or practitioner,  help IDENTIFY the best and most realistic solutions for integrating the gender dimension in research and innovation
  • EXCHANGE ideas and views with top-level leaders in science and in public policy on the opportunities for advancing the gender dimension in HORIZON 2020 and in other policy initiatives 
  • LEARN from leading science institutions about the practical measures that they have already developed to advance gender equality in research and in higher education 
  • LEARN from the researchers themselves about new discoveries and a better understanding of the role of the gender dimension in many different areas of study, and how these findings can lead to new ideas and new markets for science knowledge 
  • Through discussion with other participants and consultation with the Summit’s on-line community, help ENRICH the advocacy strategy for excellence science by ensuring that it is sensitive to gender equality issues and to the needs and concerns of society.

Events of the week


BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberverbände e.V.
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